Frequently Asked Question

How to Contact a Union Representative
Last Updated 7 years ago

While Facebook groups and other social media outlets are full of information, they are not the most reliable source of information. Often times, answers received from other Flight Attendants may be missing critical information, or may just be outright incorrect. Union representatives are not required to have social media accounts, and if they do have one, they are not required to monitor social media groups to answer member's questions. So please, avoid tagging Union representatives on social media.

If you need to contact a Union representative for questions or to inquire general information, the best way is through this ticketing system. Most representatives receive their notifications on their cellphones and respond to them quickly.

However, it may be an even better idea to send an e-mail to an entire committee. For example, if you have a question regarding Scheduling, you will get a quicker response from someone if you e-mail the entire Scheduling Committee, rather than contacting one individual representative. By contacting the committee you will receive a response from the first available representative, rather than having to wait for a specific representative to become available.

The Frontier AFA website ( is full of information. We encourage you to click around and get familiar with it. Avoid getting misinformation off Facebook, galley gossip or rumors, or other means.

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